Activate the Power of Community

Opportunity for Greatness is committed to providing hope to our community and making a difference in the lives of those we serve. We do this by partnering with organizations in our community to activate community power and build a better future for families in need. We also provide basic needs assistance to families with open Department of Family and children cases.


Help Georgians in Need

Families living in poverty often lack access to resources and opportunities that can help them to become self-sufficient. This can lead to disparities in education and threaten a family’s self-sufficiency. We believe that children can only reach their full potential when all aspects of their intellectual, emotional, and physical development are optimally supported. We also provide a safe and nurturing environment that is critical to the skills of their lives. Our projects seek to perfect child-rearing practices and to identify models that can provide creative, caring environments in which all young children thrive.


Mentorship, Support, Programs

Through mentorship, support, and programs, we can provide human-centered services and resources that address the internal and external challenges that families face. Our parenting classes provides mentorship and assist parents in creating a nurturing environment for their children. The goal is to improve child behavior, communication between parent and child, and family relationships. Our programs are innovative by providing a primary source for children and parents to come for a wide range of help, such as mental health services, supportive services, emergency assistance for those needing food, clothing, and help with paying their rent.


To Buildup Communities

Our goal is to take a lot of stress off clients because we can fully understand their needs and limit them from being lost in the system. We can also fully evaluate them to ensure they get all their needed help through a variety of services. Overall, we want to provide youth, families, and individuals with the resources and support that they need to become self-sufficient, leading to better outcomes for themselves and our communities.


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